Tuesday, December 29, 2009

January 27, 1944

Dear folks,

I had a most pleasant 4 days up here in the bay area, however there is still no place like home.

Last Monday morning January 22nd I arrived here at Hamilton. After straightening out my affairs I left for Burlingame in the evening. I had a pleasant visit with Aunt Lizzie & Ruth & a beautiful bedroom all by myself for the night. Ruth & Aunt Lizzie have colds and Uncle Lelands work seems to be quite a strain on him. However he is still pretty good health. The next morning Aunt Lizzie prepared me a most delicious breakfast. Paul is coming home as room as transportation is provided for him. He seems to have a case of malaria. They will probably place him at Ledermans Hospital in San Fransisco.

Tuesday noon I had a pleasant hitch hiking trip to Sacramento. There I met Lucille and Keith and attended MIA with them. They have a most beautiful ward & a fine group of young people.

Keith offered to let me take his car and go out with some of the young ladies. They both treated me grand and gave up their best bed to me. The next day I went to Oakland and took a young lady to a dance at the Claremount Hotel. It was all most enjoyable except having to wait for transportation. The following day I enjoyed an interesting visit with Aunt Agnes and family. Ruth had a bad cold but the rest of the family were in good health. That evening I had pleasant visit with Pat Jones. They certainly work her hard. I still think she is still quite a charming personality and I enjoy her company. That evening I stayed with Stanton Smith who is Norma Fife's brother. I related to him my visit with his brothers Keith and Paul. They also treated me fine.

The next afternoon I visited with Bob McDonald at Sant Roza Army Air Base. He is flying P38s. They keep him so busy that he has very little time for recreation. He certainly misses Wilshire Ward and a young lady named Dawna Cushing.


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